Thursday, July 13, 2006

What Version Are You Reading?

Originally written - May 24, 2006

This Past Friday I came home around 12:30AM and found a mild party going on at my apartment. I don’t mind the mild ones just the really loud ones, it is hard to fall asleep to those. After putting my stuff in my room I joined the group drinking on the front porch. They had their beers and I had my high quality H2O. I was interested in the conversation they were having, because they were talking about the bible and the flood a bit. I listened to their opinions, so I could understand their point of reference, and how to respond to them. One of them misquoted part of the bible, even though what he changed was minor I responded respectfully correcting what he said and asked him to continue. He responded, “What version of the bible are you reading?”

I did not respond with what I was thinking, “The Holy Bible, more specifically the NLT, ESV, NCV, NKJV, NIV, KJV, Holman Christian Standard, Complete Jewish, Message, and occasionally NASB.” I only said, “Any bible in Genesis 6 or & says that. If you like I have a bunch up stairs and can show you.”

He responded, “No that’s okay, but anyway…”

This is not the first time someone has asked me a question of this type. Sometimes I think when they say, “What version are you reading?” I should ask at some point, “What version are you reading?” Many people have their opinions of what the bible does and does not say.

Teachers in college ask for your opinion all the time, and I thought it was funny that they graded my opinion. They would say my conclusions did not match theirs so I was wrong.

Opinions without support are just that opinions, this is why I journal to get my opinions down so later when I find support I can plug it in. Anyway, how do we well people or correct people’s thinking about what the bible does say? How do we inform them that the words they think are in the bible are not actually there?