Monday, June 05, 2006

Faith in a Book You Have Not Read

Every fall when I was in youth group my youth minister took us on a fall retreat. The fall retreat during my sophomore year really impacted me, and all they said was one phrase. We traveled to the east side on Ohio to a cabin and camping area, I forget the name now. Just like every other event while I was a youth, I managed the sound system. Some students from the local Christian college where I grew up lead the bible studies and games. The bald guy in the group was talking about faith, some of which fueled my thoughts about “Why Believe Blindly?” During his talk he picked up a bible and asked a simple question that echoed in my ears for years, “Do you believe what this book says in true?” Everyone in the room replied, “YES!” “How many of you have ever read the whole book?” This time only two people out of thirty youth raised their hand, and one of those two was myself, but I was lying. So actually only one out of thirty, if he was not lying to, had read the whole bible.

Later after the study was over everyone went back to the cabins, except me and the college leaders. They were goofing off and going over some sound things with me for the next event of the retreat, and I bulled the bald man aside. I asked him several questions about why he chose the bible study he had just presented, and many other questions relating to the topic he had just open my eyes to. I suddenly realized that many of us believe in a book we know very little about.

This fall my church, Mosaic, will be starting their small groups. For months I have been praying about if God wanted me to lead a group, and if so what would be the topic? God brought this story to my mind and after two months of prayer I know the answer to my question.

Christians cannot rely on the pastor, the priest, the pope, or any other person to tell them all they need to know about the bible and what God says to His people through His word. My grandfather says similar words to me every time I visit him.